
June 12, 2008

Updated Updates

Hey Guys!

We've been busy over here at Shmitten Kitten headquarters.
  • I, Anna, have been the guest editor on Philebrity this whole week. Yup, while Joey and Ruth have been relaxing shoreside, I've been cranking out the posts--about 10 a day!--and having a total blast while I'm doing it. Bop over and check it out, if you haven't already.
  • Shannon and I will be taking our sketch books to the Popped! Festival and drawing some festival goers for ya. We are really looking forward to meeting some of our readers and watching the bands play. If you see us there, please stop over and say hello.
  • If you've noticed, we have a "Store" section now too. It's right up top under our heading. If you wanna buy any of our posters, give a shout and we'll hook it up!
  • Additionally, we have been busy putting some new posts together which we hope to debut soon. We have been working on some hysterical stories that we think you'll really enjoy.

So, stay tuned. We have some rad stuff coming your way!


Anonymous said...

yay, will u have a booth? or will you just be scopin', drawin' and snickering?

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