Shannon and I are gonna take a little summer break for the next week, but we promise that we will come back renewed and recharged with more funny stories than you could shake a funny story stick at.
Shannon has been hittin' the books HARD as she prepares to take her Board exams next week. Our girl has been studying day and night for this test and I'm sure that she's going to ace it. Let's all wish Shannon some good luck!
As she's been holed up with nothing but her medical textbooks and strong coffee, I've been lounging poolside, sipping fruity drinks with tiny umbrellas perched on the rim and spinning the Fresh Prince's "Summertime" on heavy rotation. You know how I do.
As we are summer vacationing, I should let you know that we only have about 15 beer koozies left. If you want yours, drop a line to me at anna@shmittenkitten.com. It's only $5 a pop, which is a really cheap price for bliss, don't cha think?
Yo, do y'all know about this shizzle?
Oh yeah! Didn't you hear? We are now a sex store in "a trend-setting Uptown district of Minneapolis." We thought we'd expand the brand, as they say
Thanks for sending this along, Brady. Obviously, our site is way funnier than an online sex toy retailer. At least, I'd hope it is.
Ha ha... I found out about it because they are hosting a reading this week with a writer I follow on Twitter. the one who wrote the book about spanking.
That could be a Shmitten Kitten week... "Weird ass crap proposed way too early" or "Weird ass crap you said Nuh-uh to"
Good luck Shannon. Anna have a nice catnap.
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