I'd listen to his 7-inch records on repeat, imagining that he was singing about me. He wore a leather jacket and Chuck Taylors; I picked out our babies' names. When he called to ask me out on a date one Saturday, I tried to harness my excitement while I said yes. After I hung up the receiver, I jumped up and down.
I was so nervous on the date that I could barely speak. We went record shopping and it was thrilling to flip past his band's record in the bin. "I'm on a date with this guy RIGHT NOW!" I exclaimed in my head. It felt like I was flying.
Then, he took me to where all punks like to go; the mall. We saw Billy Madison in the Cineplex. He tried to kiss me during the movie but I was too nervous to do it. What can I say? I was a squirrelly teen! I pushed away his advances and he pouted. Like, a lot. After the movie, he huffed off and didn't say one word to me on the drive home.

Oh, Otto, if you could see me now, you'd know that I totally make out on the first date! It was your loss and blah blah blah who cares. So, kids, that's the one and only time I ever tried to date a tall blond guy. Any questions?
I almost forgot the best part--the epilogue! I ran into Otto a few years ago. I was going through this Charlie's Angels phase where I was curling my hair, all bouncy and '70s-style (it looked good, trust me). I saw him at my favorite dive bar. As soon as he caught sight of me, he came over, slid his arm around my waist and whispered into my ear, "You look like a starlet." I blushed, thanked him for the compliment then walked away. 16 year old me would've been so proud!
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