Isn’t it obvious who we should tip our hats to this week? The Philadelphia Phillies! In case you have been living under a non-baseball watching rock, the Phillies won the freakin' WORLD SERIES last night. Woohoo!
I was raised a Phillies fan and always will be. Even when they are on a losing streak, I’ll still sit at the bar and cheer them on, hooting and hollering from my barstool. The pleasure of seeing their hot asses in those uniforms doesn’t hurt, but it’s not all about the hot players for me; I have a personal connection. Richie Ashburn was my Godfather’s grandfather--which is pretty sweet--especially when I walk down Ashburn Alley in Citizens Bank Park with a beer in each hand and think, “Hey! Richie was my Godfather’s Grandpop! I kinda almost know him!”
Most fake Phil’s fans who know nothing about the history of the team will shrug and not know who I’m talking about but occasionally I’ll get the,“Oh no way! That’s awesome!” when I divulge my connection to the team. I love that. My Godfather also super-resembles a young Richie Ashburn. Sayin'.
Some people think that Philadelphia doesn’t deserve to win because of the fans' attitude but, if anything, our attitude comes from sticking up for our team whether they are having a terrible season or whether they are winning division titles. It's hard to win a pennant, but it's harder losing one.
The Phillies have had fans following along for hundreds of years so I think it’s about time we tip our hats to the loyal fans, to Charlie Manuel, and all of our Phillies team members, past, present and future. Here, here!
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