
January 25, 2009

Quick Rant: The Candy Aisle At The Drug Store From Now Until Feb. 15

Ok, we get it. Valentine's Day is right around the corner. But, do we have to be assaulted with pink-foiled confections, shoddily made stuffed animals, and helium balloons reminding us of this when we pop in to grab more contact lens solution?

Yes, we know that we are single and that the only person who will gave enough of a rat's ass to call us their Valentine on that cursed Hallmark holiday is our Mom. GIVE IT A REST, CVS! Isn't it enough that you always have to do a price check (loudly, over the store intercom) on our--ahem--feminine hygiene products every. single. time. we have to buy them? Does CVS stand for Creating Victimizing Situations?

By the way, if we were ever going to picket that drug store chain, that would totally be the slogan we'd scrawl on our homemade sign.


Anonymous said...

Happy Single's Awareness day. The Polar Bear Plunge (in SIC, NJ) is the same weekend so I'll most likely be running into sub zero Atlantic ocean on Feb. 14th.

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