After five glasses of Cab Sav--and with very little prompting on your part--he will launch into stories about how he used to skateboard "back in the day" and that he almost went pro if he hadn't broken his ankle that one time. You'll nod and wince at the ankle bit then zone out; you'll be too busy secretly wishing that you could run your fingers through his mane. If you ask nicely and bat your eyelashes, he might just let you.
So, dudes rockin' the salt and pepper 'do, we tip our hats to you. Your graying temples show us that you can probably afford to pick up the bill. Check please!
finally a hat tip I can sort of relate to...
I love old men. Add a salt and pepper beard and I'm the happiest lady in Philadelphia.
I know, right? I am really diggin on guys with flecks of gray. Rawrrrr!
I like some crows feet, add some gray and I am TOAST!
Dudes, kind of in love with Wayne Coyne. And all the freaky, freaky, freaky things he does. It was the giant ball that won me over.
*swoon* I love that his hair is a lil bit long & curly, too.
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