The second category is the Animal House. It's bad enough when you walk into a dude's house and are greeted by a slobbery dog that won't stop trying to smell your crotch. If the house smells like wet poodle to boot, I'm out. Slobbery dogs are one thing, but if the entire house smells like dog breath, it's

Even worse than dog smell is cat smell. I love those little furry dudes more than anyone, but if your house smells like cat pee, there's something seriously wrong with you and your feline. Would it kill you to change the litter box every now and then? Maybe then your cat would pee in there and not on your carpet. It's not rocket science, people.
The next category is the Rotten Row Home. This smell is hard to describe, but it's really just about stagnant air that reeks of BO and dust. It's so stuffy that I have to wonder is there's any oxygen left in the atmosphere. The smell is so old and gnar that I expect the Cryptkeeper to pop out of a casket at any time. I'd be like, "Who's this, your roommate?" Jeez.

If you enter a dude's house and smell any of the aforementioned odors, my advice is to back away slowly. If this is what his foyer smells like, imagine what's going on in his bedroom. Shudder. My guess would be a dingy mattress on the floor, piles of dirty laundry and an accompanying fart aroma lingering in the air. Too bad I won't stick around long enough to find out.
I've dealt with the cat one! GROSSED me out!
I laughed and laughed. And now I'm cleaning house.
what about the stoner house? those are the worst
What about if the guy has a roommate? one that cooks nonsense and leaves the house smelling terrible..... always? the guys fault or no?
You can pretty much guess this is from personal experience
I just had a car ride version of this. I hate getting into a dudes car that makes me gag before I even sit down because there is a stink of death lurking within. 3 months of fast food containers and ancient gym clothes stuffed under a seat in a moldy pile just isn't sexy.
Duuuuude! It's like a bitchslap of stank.
Seriously, we must be on some cosmic wavelength because that is the EXACT SAME bonerkiller I was going to write next! We are on the same page, sister.
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