
March 6, 2009

Raise Our Glasses: Philly Craft Brewers

As Philly Beer Week approaches, we can't help but raise our glasses to all the craft brewers who are descending upon Philadelphia. With so much going on, one might forget that some of the finest breweries are in our own backyards: Yards, SlyFox, Flying Fish, Victory, Philadelphia Brewing Co., as well as a slew of fantastic brew pubs. Craft brewers are the reason we don't have to down nine Coors Lites before we feel like shakin' our booties on the dance floor. Give me a Troegenator Double Bock and I'm good to go.

These beer chemists can work up to twelve hours a day perfecting a brew that tickles our tummies and gives us enough confidence to do just about anything; whether it's belting out our favorite song at karaoke or finally talking to that dude we've been crushing on (just try not to burp while whispering your phone number into his ear.) And, while we're nursing our hangovers well into the afternoon, these brewers are up at the crack of dawn, mixing and mashing their magical beer potions so that we can re-live the delicious experience all over again the next night.

We're more impressed with your encyclopedic knowledge about stouts and barley than stocks and bonds. So grab your drinking shoes and head out to any of the dozens of "Meet the Brewer" nights for Philly Beer Week. Pop a few Tylenol the next morning; you'll thank us.


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