In anticipation of our upcoming
Nerd Appreciation Week, we are looking for
Philly's Hottest Nerd*. Does he have an elaborate filing system for his record collection? We wanna hear about him! Does he wear wacky bow ties to work? Bring it! Does he read books about astronomy in his spare time? Let us know! All kinds of nerds will be considered; music nerds, science nerds, film nerds, design nerds, math nerds, bike nerds, literature nerds, rap nerds, tech nerds, you name it! It's gonna be nerds galore up in here.
Send all nominations to us at
hi@shmittenkitten.com with the subject line: "Nerrrd Alert." In addition to a short description of why he should be crowned Philly's Hottest Nerd, send along a photo or link to his Web site. He may never have been coronated prom king, but now he has a chance to rule Shmitten Kitten High!
*Sorry, but geeks, dorks, dweebs and spazzes will not be considered.
I know! I'm really excited about this. It's gonna be nerd-tacular.
I love nerds! So excited about this one!
aw, no geeks allowed :(
Nope! The Philadelphia Weekly s'd Philly geeks' d pretty hard with their cover story about 'em a few months back. [Sorry for all of the apostrophes, but it had to be done.]
It's revenge of the nerrrds time! Nerds are gonna get their day in the sun--or at least a week on a dating blog.
I once related Einstein's reluctance to accept quantum theory and his search for a unified theory of the universe to my relationship at the the time and what I was looking for. not sure if that is geeky or nerdy.
Geeky or nerdy? Well Joel, it doesn't matter because that story is just plain old awesome. It almost defies labels (although, I would argue that your actions leaned nerdy.)
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