
June 1, 2009

Contest Time: What Are You Terrible At, Dating-Wise?

So we've established that we're terrible at several aspects of dating. Alright, let's be honest: We're terrible at pretty much every single aspect of it. That's not news.

Now, we wanna hear from you, our dear readers. What part of dating are you terrible at? The funniest answer will win a copy of Doofus and Darling's Manners for the Modern Man. It's a hysterical book with pictures of guys doing things the right way and the wrong way. We think you'll like it and we're not just saying that because it's a book about dating with drawn dudes in it--cough, that's our schtick, cough.

Submit your entries to us at hi@shmittenkitten.com with "Dude, I'm TERRIBLE at this dating shit" in the subject line. We'll pick a winner around Friday.


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