
July 8, 2009

Things We Tell Boys We Hate But Secretly Don't: Getting A Hickey

What we tell you:
Great. Now I have to go to work with this huge welt on my neck. Didn't you listen? I have an important meeting with my boss tomorrow. No, dabbing concealer on it won't help. It looks like I'm in the beginning stages of leprosy. What kind of woman goes to work with a goddamn hickey on her neck? It's the summer; I can't even wear a turtleneck. Why did you do this to me? What are we, in sixth grade here? Stop laughing. It's not funny. Ugh! *huff and puff around his room as I collect my things*
What we really think as soon as we step outside of your apartment:
Smile smile smile smile smile high-five. I HAVE A HICKEY, BITCHES! It kinda looks like I got bit by a vampire or something. I'm like a True Blood outtake. I never use the word vixen because I think it's kinda corny, but I totally feel like a vixen right now. Oh man. I think I'm gonna stop and grab some ice cream to celebrate my hickeyhood. Hickeyhood! I think I just made up a word. Haha. I can't wait to check it out when I get home.


haveboard said...

You are kidding, right?

Anna said...

What do you mean?

haveboard said...

Hickey's? Really? No thanks. It is possible to kiss someone's neck without leaving a mark.

Anna said...

Occassionally, yes, I will get a hickey or a bite mark on my neck. You know, from when a guy is just playing around or gets carried away. I always act all pissed off at the time but I secretly love it.

It's ok your experience hasn't been the same.

Unknown said...

i totally agree. you have to act mad, cause if you don't, then you come off trashy. i love them secretly as well. But really, is it that much of a secret if you allow this person to continue biting/nibbling/sucking your neck and don't put a stop to it? I'm pretty sure he gets that you like it.

Lora said...

Being very fair skinned, I have to avoid hickeys at all costs. Lovebites look like sharkbites on me :(

Luke G said...

Do you know how many additional hickies this led to?

We know you like them. And if you're enough of a negative nancy not to, that's just as satisying in it's own way.

Barbarossa said...

Haha, women are adorable! ^_^ <3

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