Here I am at my finest--totally sick. Not only do I feel gross, but I look even grosser. I’ve been wearing the same pajamas for two days and I’ve barely brushed my teeth or combed my hair. In my fever/drug-induced delirium, I could understand if my guy kept a safe distance from my germs. Sure it wouldn’t exactly be my favorite thing ever, but let’s face it, being sick is a total pain in the ass. I’d probably stay away from him too if he was the stricken one. So naturally, I am almost shocked back to health when I hear stories of guys facing their germ fears and tending to their lil' ill lady.*
In these myths, not only does this guy look past his girl’s crusty appearance, but he steps up to the plate and does whatever he can to make her more comfortable. He is at her every beck and call, which would normally irritate her "I-can-do-it-myself" attitude. But now, in her state of dilapidation, this guy’s surprisingly gentle bedside manner is helping her rest easier than any Sudafed-laced cold medicine could. I’m so impressed, I may start calling him Clara Barton!
She is almost sure that she’s hallucinating, but where did that dry toast and ginger ale come from? Is that a bowl of chicken broth she sees on her table? The remote controls have been positioned within reach perfectly so she can easily navigate between her favorite flicks and television shows. In her haze, she sees him by her bed with a thermometer in hand, her knight in nurses' scrubs. We tip our hats to you, dudes who know how to take care of a sick lady. Your Dr. McDreamy-ness is just what the doctor ordered.
*Note: This has never happened to me and I am seriously hoping that it does in fact happen beyond the legends I’ve heard.
i once had a boyfriend who bought me a small tv for my bedroom so that i could watch programs (what my grandma used to call them) in my sick state.
i kid you not.
WOW. That is truly incredible behavior.
I was sick this past winter and my boyfriend got up super early to get me some get well supplies before he went to work. He got me everything from tea and soup to Vicks Vapor Rub. He was even so sweet as to hang out with me even though I was gross and totally not fun to be with.
The closest I've ever come to this situation is once two years ago I woke up to the flu. All I wanted was for my boyfriend to walk two blocks to CVS and get me some medicine. It took me two hours of begging and getting snot on him before he actually went and then he was gone for an hour!
These guys exist! One time a boy brought me a huge tupperware container full of soup from his work. I even have a friend with a boyfriend who was so thoughtful that when her room mate got sick he brought the room mate a basket of soup and painkillers! Whoa brownie points...
I reacted to the bad allergins my city is known for and got a horrid case of the hives. My eyes were constantly watering, nose running and my entire body was covered in these little white bumps. My boyfriend did...nothing. His only reaction was several months later when I was wearing a cocktail dress he said, "Why do you have all those scares on your legs?"
I'm not sick (cold and lazy maybe) but my man just gave me the end of a pickle he cut up for us to snack on. Not because I particularly love the taste of the ends but because he knows my dad used to like to eat them... before he died last year. Hubby knows I like little reminders of dad...
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