Obviously, this is a blog and I can't mimic this deep voice to you using the written word, so just imagine me lowering my vocal register for affect. "Helloooooooo there, beautiful."
I've overlooked several obvious flaws in a guy just because he had a great voice. Somehow hearing him say in his deep, manly baritone, "I keep pictures of me with my ex on my Facebook page because I like the way I look in them not because I like looking at her," cushions the blow.
So, guys with deep voices, we tip our hats to you. When you assure us that, "Everything will be ok, little lady" we can almost believe it.
As an addendum, I once dated a guy who looked like a straight-up wart hog just because I loved his voice so much. He had a really great voice. They should write that on his tombstone when he dies!
This one is for you, Anna:
So true! Love it! :)))
I think height works the same for me. I'm 6 feet tall so ya know... it's my "thing"
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