He'd be so open-minded about everything. Most guys get fussy and argue about what we should watch. But, with this guy, I'd suggest watching one of my favorite ones that he'd never seen before, like Breaking Away or Soy Cuba, and he'd happily agree. He'd pay attention to the film. He'd ask me to put it on pause while he took a bathroom break because he didn't want to miss one scene. We'd snuggle up on my couch with his arm around me. He'd pet my hair and laugh at all the right places of the film. It was a downright pleasure watching movies with him!
Even though I had to get rid of him eventually, it still made me smile to see that he put Breaking Away as one of his favorite films on his Facebook page. If I were filling out his report card on dating me, I'd give him an "F" in everything, but as a movie-watching companion, he'd get a total "A+" Unfortunately, when you'd average his GPA out, it'd still be a failing grade.
I'm glad that my favorite movies are boys' favorite movies.
My boyfriend caved and watched Mean Girls with me this weekend. Muahaha.
Did he recognize it for the artistic masterpiece that it is?
Did you just call Mean Girls an artistic masterpiece?
Also, don't feel too bad for me that he hooked up with my friend while we were hanging out. I hooked up with his best friend about six months before. We're all pretty vacant sometimes. I ain't no saint.
One of the perks living in Bloomington, IN was that if you hadn't seen Breaking Away yet, you'd definitely be periodically shunned for it.
@Anna Mean Girls does not get enough credit! Forget Lindsay Ho-Han-- Tina Fey wrote it and it's so smart and hilarious.
@Jon He admitted he "might have been a little too tough" on it before watching. I will make a fan out of him yet. Next stop, Battlestar Galactica.
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