And, our love for for our extinct homies extends beyond the screen. In fourth grade, we participated in a sleepover party at the local museum when they had their state-of-the-art animatronic dinosaur exhibit. Yes, we got to sleep with the dinos as they roared and growled with limited robotic motion. Well, we didn't get to sleep with them, but at least we got to sleep near them. It was radical.
We give props to Robert Bakker for refuting theories about dinosaurs being cold-blooded. That rules, bro. Sometimes we eat chicken and ruminate on the fact that they are dinosaur descendants. How weird is that? Attention men of Philadelphia: We dig it when you take us on a date to the Franklin Institute to marvel at the dinosaur bones. We also like it when you have a favorite dinosaur and you can tell us why in a reasonably detailed manner. Dino dudes, fuck yeah!
This, times a million. Take me to see dinosaur bones and I will swoon.
Just yesterday I was discussing with Bianca how when I was a child and they found out that the Brontosaurus wasn't a real thing, it destroyed my world.
Also, way to blow up my go-to first date spot, Anna. THANKS A LOT.
Is that REALLY where you take girls on a first date? But, they don't serve whiskey there!
Not the Franklin Institute, that would be ridiculous. I'm too big for the heart. The Academy of Natural Sciences. It's awesome.
And the whiskey comes AFTER so there's time to talk about how awesome the dinosaurs were.
I wanna go.
I totally did the sleep over with the dinosaurs in 4th grade! Girl Scouts, Discovery Place. And for a short while entertained the idea that I wanted to travel the world digging up bones. Then realized I didn't like dirt or sweating all the damn time.
Haha, Amanda, me too!
DINOSAURS RULE. Have I ever told you guys about my plan to make a DinoStore and sell pajamas called DinoSnores?
Yes, the Academy of Natural Sciences is a better pick because they have all the bone models.. and I'm actually not just saying that because my ex works for The Franklin *collar pull*.
Also, Anna, you make me wanna high five you when you use terms like 'extinct homies' <3
The Maryland state dinosaur is the astrodon. The New Jersey state dinosaur is the hadrosaurus. Pennsylvania has no state dinosaur. Dinosaurs are awesome. Get with the program PA.
Is the hadrosaurus the one they found and have the model on display in downtown Haddonfield?
Yeah, the original skeleton was on display in the Franklin Institute in that "America's First Dinosaur" exhibit earlier this year.
I can only hope to take a girl on a date to the Franklin Institute one day. (I live in Boston, so this is harder than it might seem.)
A few Sundays ago, I spent most of the afternoon on my couch watching Dino-themed programming on Nat. Geo. It was delightful!
oooooh man. best date EVER was tickets to see "Walking with Dinosaurs" at the spectrum, the show with the awesome life-size moving dinosaurs. It was all 4-year-olds with their parents and then me and my boyfriend. I was so excited I was hyperventilating.
I also happened to live near Haddonfield and growing up with the knowledge that you are walking in a hadrosaurus' footsteps can do messed up things to a childs head. such as lead to complete obsession with dinosaurs.
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