Ultimately, these guys were chosen because they make Philly a radder place to live. They contribute to our city in a variety of ways, from creating culture to covering it. So please vote for your fave dude on the poll at the top of the page. You can cast your vote for as many guys as you want, but you can only vote once and voting goes until Friday, Dec. 11th at 3pm. Then, we'll celebrate everyone at our Holiday Dance party on Saturday, Dec. 12th Upstairs at the Khyber.
Obviously, in the end, they are all winners. Not necessarily in this particular contest because this is a gladiator arena of online polling with only one man emerging victorious and we take that very seriously. Just kidding. No, really, all these men are winners and total good sports which makes us love them even more.
A few honorable mentions: Sexy deejay Sorted's Mike Z, sexy handsome dude Michael Bray, Sexy cool dude Jack McBrearty, sexy photographer Dominic Savini, sexy sweetheart Eric Zimmerman, the sexy comic staff at Brave New Worlds, sexy bartenders at the P.O.P.E., sexy ad men Jon and Ryan from TieOrDie.com, and sexy bar owner Robert from Tattooed Mom's. Hubba hubba. Maybe next year, fellas.
Ok, let's meet the men!
This list is so heavily skewed toward the Philadelphia Beardo Society. I feel as though my people have been slighted here, Anna.
Haha. We'll it probably accurately reflects the ratio of bearded me in the city. We tried to be fair!
Not your typical list, which is was relieved and happy to see. :)
wow, way to pick a bunch of gross beards
Julia, only two of the guys here have beards and I can assure you that they are amazing people. Girl scout's honor!
Team beard indeed. More love for beardos.
Beards make good friends. Beardless makes for hot make-outs! My vote has been cast. *ominous music*
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