
December 11, 2009

Beard v. Beard: Ralph Wins Second Annual Philly's Sexiest Dude ALIVE! Contest

For those of you who followed along, this was one of the closest races we've ever had in Shmitten Kitten history. It was (bearded) neck vs. (bearded) neck! We were on the edge of our seats the past few days because really, it was anyone's game. It was like when you pick which color is going to win the horse race on the Jumbotron during the break at Phillies' games. Just when you thought your color was gonna cinch it, another color swooped in and finished first. Yeah, it was just like that, except with human men.

Well, it was a close shave but, ultimately, 36% of you voted Ralph as Philly's Sexiest Dude ALIVE! Here he is, chillin' like a sexy dude villain.

Ralph Wins!

Congratulations, Ralph. Your beard is the sexiest beard in Philly, hands down. But, Chris, don't feel bad. You are first runner-up! If for some reason Ralph is unable to fulfill his sexy duties--say he wears socks with sandals out in public or shaves the beard off--you will be first in line to assume his sexy dude duties. Since you fought such a good fight, we honored you, too.

Chris rules

Thanks so much to everyone that voted and campaigned for the fellas this week. Thanks to all of the guys who participated for being such good sports about the whole thing. We love you forever and ever.

Now that's it's all over, what are we gonna do with ourselves? Oh yeah, freakin' DANCE OUR ASSES OFF tomorrow night at the Khyber for our Holiday Dance Party. And, Whipped Bakeshop has been kind enough to provide cupcakes for the occasion which is like yummmmm x a trillion. Just to recap: we will have three amazing deejays and dozens of cupcakes. That's some math I can get behind. See ya there!


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