Print is far from dead. Want proof? Just check out any issue of two.one.five magazine, which Tayyib co-founded and publishes. Yes, publishes! How rad is that?
As anyone in Philly knows, two.one.five strives to cover all corners of the city in a unique and attention-grabbing way. There's no other publication like it in town and we're lucky to have it.
Why you should vote for him:
He pretty much knows everyone. We'll bet that he has the funniest stories and knows the best places to take you on your first date. And, get a load of that smile! We wanna print it out, enlarge it, and slap it on our alarm clock it because, honestly, how can you have a bad day if that's the first thing you see in the morning? Oh, and we heart his Tumblr, too.
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