
December 6, 2009

Things In His House That Make Me Sad: Toy Collections From His Childhood

There's nothing wrong with a few kitchy vintage toy robots balanced on a shelf in the living room to add a bit of whimsy to the room, but if I see action figures or any other kind of children's toy in his room, I freak out a bit. Is this an adult man's bedroom or an overgrown child's play pen? Am I in a Big outtake?

The weird thing is that he's super-concerned with them and gets squirrelly if you touch them or if you aren't familiar with the character. He might even get huffy about it as he explains it to me, like I've let him down by not memorizing every single person in G.I. Joe.

Take a look at this video for the Postal Service, I mean Owl City's video for "Fireflies." A model train set? Stuffed animals? A disco ball? A speak 'n' spell? This is like a greatest hits list of things I don't wanna see in a guy's room EVER. Could you imagine if you woke up in this mini-FAO Schwartz wonderland? I'll bet his pjs still have footsies on them and he doesn't know how to do laundry, he just waits until every single item in his wardrobe is dirty and then he hauls it all off to his parents' house for his Mom to do. And, that just makes me sad.


Amanda said...

I like the toy collections, actually.

Anna said...

A toy collection in his bedroom?? I think it's weird.

Diane said...

I appreciated the jab at postal service/owl city. I don't mind some toys or some action figures. I've dated guys with action figures, and I have toys. It's good to stay young at heart. But there is a limit. Your apartment should not be half-full because of how much crap you're holding onto or collecting... There's a tipping point, and it can get scary.

Jon K said...

I don't have toys on display, but if I really like you I might show you the big box of Ninja Turtles I have in the closet.

BradyDale said...

Ha ha ha... I've got 45 boxes of comic books in mine. Is that a problem?

bianca said...

I think toy collections are endearing! If they want you to play with them (and they aren't legos), maybe that's a little weird but I totally dig dudes with collections!

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