
January 29, 2010

Tip Our Hats: Guys That Listen to Ryan Adams

I don't care that he has a messy bedroom, that he defaulted on his student loans, or that he has an expired driver's license. I don't care that he's still baffled by how Twitter works or that he drinks all the fancy vodka that I hid in the freezer and thinks that I won't notice. (I totally do.)

I don't care about his blurry, jokey tattoos that are already half-faded because he doesn't give a shit about wearing sunscreen. I don't care that he has an overflowing ashtray next to his bed and it looks like a chalky homage to Sideshow Bob's hair.

I don't care that he's mean to his vegan roommate and his preppy brother. I don't care that he has an off-brand cell phone with a loud polyphonic ringtone that always seems to die right when I want to hear from him most. And, I don't even care that his comforter has a distinct, pungent sour smell like a french fry wrapped in a gym sock that's been buried in a basement.

Once I sink into his couch as he plays the "Heartbreaker" record over his living room stereo, I'm all his.


Blue Light J said...

I always feel extra special when Tip Our Hats are about me.

Phil said...

I didn't know being a Ryan Adams fan forgave all sins! In which case, ladies, forget all that stuff I wrote about being a bad boyfriend and let's listen to Love Is Hell on vinyl.

Anonymous said...

guys, anna, i love you but i absolutely cannot cosign on this. ryan adams and dudes that identify with him, make me want to die. he is what lou barlow was to the 90s -- that whiny indie rock guy who girls should avoid at all costs. (sorry, i've obvs thought a lot about this)

Anna said...

TRUE STORY: I once was hanging out with a guy and he spilled his beer on the floor by accident. HE MOPPED THE SPILL UP WITH HIS SOCK STILL ON HIS FOOT and just went about his business like nothing happened.

He listened to Ryan Adams.

Anna said...

Also, I'm not proud of how much I overlook just because he listens to Ryan Adams. I'm just being honest!

Anna said...

As a side note, this is the closest I've come to writing a love letter in a long time.

jimmy said...

all this makes me nauseous

miss bee said...

i concur, anna, i con-freaking-cur.

Lauren Grant said...

bonerkiller: dudes who think ryan adams and bryan adams are the same person

Anna said...


Jon K said...

Bonerkiller: girls that think some flash-in-the-pan alt-country teen heartthrob can hold a candle to the singer-NAY! ARTIST! that penned Summer of '69.

Jazz said...

I am not a ryan adams fan, but even I must admit, 'Heartbreaker' is pure pop lust perfection.

dani said...

the only guy i dated who was a ryan adams fan was such a pussy! i cant be in a relationship where im in complete control. sure its fun for a week, but then im over it and hes giving me money to hang out & get booze :)

Garrett Nichols said...

Please give me blog a glance, ryan comes up quite often. cheers.


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