The WORST thing that they do is to post pictures of them with their ex. Hello! This is Facebook, not your desk drawer! I don't want to see you relaxed with your arm around her, smiling like two goofballs. As I understand it, you are trying to date me. I enjoy imagining us in situations where we are relaxed and smiling like goofballs. To see you do it with another woman you dated is...strange. It's definitely not hot.
Guys, why do you do this? I don't want to compare myself to anyone, but how can I not with her snuggled up in the crook of your armpit? The whole thing makes me feel weird. The last thing I want to do is confront you about it because it'll make me seem insecure, which I'm not. I just don't like being reminded of my place in your conveyor belt of girlfriends.
And, don't tell me that they only reason you have it posted is because you like the way you look in it. Sometimes you'll even crop her out in an attempt to salvage the picture. Sorry, but the ghost hand floating around your waist is a dead giveaway that some girl was obviously there. You are not Osama bin Laden; you have access to cameras to take lots of other pictures.
I'm just letting you know that unless you crack me up at about two chuckles per minute, the fact that you still have pictures of your ex makes you 90% less desirable in my eyes.
I dated a guy who had an ALBUM of pictures of him and his ex. It was called (I'm not kidding) "Pictures of the Queen." HE LEFT IT UP for the first few months we dated, saying it was "not a big deal." Surprisingly, the relationship didn't last.
And yes, the album is still there. I just checked.
Hmm, does this apply to casual photos with ex's too? I get it on the smoochy ones, but what about regular pictures with an ex you're still friends with among photos of you with other friends too?
Y'know, I think this is just one of those things guys just aren't conscious of. After reading this post, I went through and did a serious de-tagging session!
Yup. Me too.
I've seen guys do this on DATING WEB SITES too! You're trying to find a date and your photos are of you with exes? What's the logic behind that decision?
I always thought a complete de-tagging would come across as spiteful or vindictive. But if girls don't care if you try to erase all evidence of them then I definitely don't!
My ex detagged all pictures of us looking like a couple, but left up the ones of us in a group of friends. Not only was it emotional cutting, but I think he thought he was being nice by leaving some of the pictures up. I'm not as nice though and after detagging ALL pictures of us, I defriendd him. His future girlfriends will be thankful.
This goes for the ladies, too. Your "charming couple" pics from however many years ago make me want to hurl. I get it- that was someone you cared about and it was a part of your life. Keep it on file somewhere to crack open when you want some nostalgia. I really don't need to see it every time I want to admire a photo of you.
my bf's mom had a picture on their shelves of my bf & his ex. nobody liked her and it had been like... 6 months. it bothered me so bad and started many a fights. i wasnt threatened, i just didnt want to see it! get dat shit outta here! it finally was put away after many attempts at explaining why it didnt belong.
It's too much work to go back through and delete or untag stuff on facebook...who cares, it's in the past, stop being so annoyed at every little thing all the time and get over it.
Hey, I'm just being honest why I might blow off a guy that I don't know very well. The first thing I do when he asks me out is pop his name in the ol' 'book. If I see a ton of pics of him with his ex, I'll blow him off.
You can choose to take my advice or not, but I know for a FACT that me and my girlfriends are turned off by it.
Haha, I do get annoyed by things all the time! Like your comment, for instance!
love and kisses,
Totally agree with Anna. The trickier part is when you have photos with friends of the opposite sex. They seem totally innocent to YOU but not to your new boyfriend/girlfriend. I have a new BF and when we were doing the Facebook friend thing, we actually made a point to reassure each other that there would be no ex photos to be found.
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