I'll be there with Roland Cassard, Diamond Dealer, the hot dude I always deejay with. How hot is he? Well, he looks like Jarvis Cocker but with better dance moves. Haha. He's totally gonna kill me for saying that. No, he won't kill me because he's a lover, not a fighter. If anything he'll probably high-five me. That's just how he rolls.
It all starts at 10pm at Tritone, which is located on 1508 South St. And, it's free. Click on Elvis' adorable face to see the Facebook page if you're into that sort of thing.
As an aside, HOW CUTE IS ELVIS IN THAT PICTURE? Could you imagine what his neck smells like? I'll bet he smells like laundry, grass and sweat, but in a good way.
Where was I? Oh, right. See you tonight!
ps: I'm also deejaying this Saturday, March 20th at Grasshopper.
pps: We're having our Spring Fling on Saturday, March 27th Upstairs at the Khyber. Get ready for it.
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