
March 4, 2010

Things In His House That Make Me Sad: Low Beds

If I roll over and am eye-level with your shoes, it's a problem. I hate this low bed. It's useless! I am not a fan of kneeling down to go to sleep. I like a normal bed at least a few feet off the ground. That's just me. If you can't stash a plastic bin from the Container Store under your bed, it's too low!

I'm not sure if you have something against box springs or have a fear of heights or what, but this low bed is bumming me out. It's unpleasant to wake up to your dog licking me in the face like I'm a bowl of kibble. I'm lower than your dog; it's weird! Your dog is laughing at us. 

It's like we're camping but without s'mores and without the knowledge that when we're done camping, we're gonna get to sleep in a nice, comfy bed. And, that just makes me sad.


Anonymous said...

But that cartoon makes it look so awesome!

Anonymous said...

They always have some "awesome" reason behind the low bed too....like it can really be legit.

Anonymous said...

ALSO! You can't do certain sex positions on a low bed. I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

Can I borrow a feeling?

Anonymous said...

Aww, I'm gonna have to disagree with this one. Low furniture feels really Eastern and Mid-century at the same time. I dig it. :)

Anonymous said...

Even when your eyes are closed and you're trying to sleep you can still tell the difference between low and normal beds. Apparently we're wired now to sleep at least 2 to 3 feet above the ground.

Menina said...

I thought the low bed would be cool at first, tucked away into a corner, it seemed like a 'den'. I hate it now.

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