You, on the other hand, will jump into the shower at 7:20pm, decide your stubble is "dashing" at 7:23pm, and sniff your favorite shirt before tossing it on at 7:27pm. Then, you'll tap your toe impatiently at 7:29pm when I'm not ready yet.
It takes TIME to look this fine, my friend. You're always pleasantly surprised by the outcome, so slow your roll with the impatience. You're a dude; of course it takes you two shakes to be ready. But you know, there are things you can do to make yourself look even more fly. No, no, I love the old shirts and the 5 o'clock shadow. I'm talking about the homage to the Grinch on your forehead; those Uncle Sam brows need to go. And oddly enough, I would be tickled pink to do the honors.
As a girl, I take pride in my ability to beautify things. I will gladly hover uncomfortably close to your face, my tongue poking out of the corner of my mouth, as I handle those tweezers like a Jedi eyebrow master. Give me five minutes and VOILA, a work of art that is neither Groucho Marx nor Jersey Shore juicehead. You have the perfect man-brows now. You're welcome.
So don't be afraid to ask. And, don't go trying to fix them on your own. We all know what could go wrong there.
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