
May 24, 2010

Bonerkiller: Admitting You Have MURDERED Someone On The First Date

I thought he was cute, really cute. And I loved that he taught himself English by watching episodes of Arrested Development. That's adorable.

What's not so adorable: MURDER.

After spending an hour or so making small talk, I made a little joke: "I think we'll get along fine as long as you're not some crazy hobo killer or anything."

He seemed to take my joke as an opportunity to confess that, yes, in fact, he WAS a hobo killer.

As I sipped my beer, he recounted the story of the time he was sixteen and living on the streets in Cuzco and had to defend his life by stabbing a homeless man in the chest. I silently counted the seconds 'til I could run out of the room.

Here's a pro tip: some things are better left for fourth, fifth or NEVER date banter. Clearly, the story of murdering a vagrant would be an example of that.


Anonymous said...

come on, it was self defense

Chu Hui said...

Whoa! Insane. I wish this had happened to me.

Anonymous said...

speak for yourself, murder is such a turn-on

Cline said...

Hobos aren't people.

julie g. said...

i mean, what are the odds that you make a hobo killer joke to an actual hobo killer?

Drew said...

It would be better to date an honest murderer than a dishonest Analrapist (Analyst/Therapist).

Anonymous said...

On our first date, my (foreign) boyfriend told me that he may or may not have killed several people with a missile when he was 10. But I thought he was cute, so I decided to hang onto him.

Anonymouse said...

This is only cool if he shouted "Hark! A Vagrant!" before the stabbing commenced.

Anonymous said...

haha julie's comment is hilarious... so is anonymouse's... who knows, maybe in peru or whatever that's considered acceptable first-date behavior but in america that's simply terrifying...

Lilja said...
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Lilja said...

major bonerKILLER

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