
May 30, 2010

Phrases I SAY That Guys Wanna Stab In The Face: "So, When Can I See You Next?"

Whoa there, Peter! Whatchu doin'?
This phrase is the equivalent of Greg Brady's cursed tiki statue in my life; it's my bad luck charm. Every time I've uttered, "So, when can I see you next?" to a guy I'm dating, he peaces out. It's alarming.

At first, I thought it was a coincidence, but as it's happened more and more, I'm beginning to think that it's a cursed phrase.

Instead of just not saying it--which is what a smarter person would probably do--I put my hair in a ponytail, slapped on a pair of goggles, lit up a Bunsen burner and started testing my theory to confirm that this phrase was a relationship doomer. But of course, as soon as the phrase left my lips, guys would get all squirrely and non-committal.

It seems like an innocent enough phrase, so I have NO IDEA why it has repelling powers. It's not like I'm asking him to shop for wedding dresses with me. I'm just trying to plan my week out. Sheesh!


Jeremy said...

Same here! I actually just got the "Lets just be friends" conversation from a girl when I asked her when we could hang out next. Curses!!

Brooke said...

Yes! I am so hearing you sister. As a gal who likes to plan ahead, the phrase makes total sense to me yet ends in disaster every time.

jimmy said...

screw that. i say keep it up. i'd gladly welcome that question from some of these flaky ass girls. i really don't have a ton of free time so i'm down with having plans...

Justin Howe said...
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Justin Howe said...

Ya know, men are often raised being told how nice we should be to women, how respectful we should be of their space, etc. Then once we get interested in females, it changes, and we're supposed to be jerks who don't care.

Seems to me that women might get themselves caught in their own wringers in situations like these. Maybe that's what y'all get for trying so hard to walk that thiiiin line.

B. said...

"So... when will I see you again?" is kinda suffocating.

"Oh hey, I heard about this great place that makes tapas on a sushi train type set-up... we should go!", will always get a yes from me. Just tell him something you think he might enjoy and he'll appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

It is a bit too ambiguous.

Ben said...

I've got one I've been dying to stab in the face.
"Not So Much"..As used by people making a good/not as good comparison...Can we stop with this now?..We all know you picked it up from that scene in 'Borat' where he says it to the not-as-pretty church lady at the dinner table..How many years ago was that film? Its way past is pop culture reference sell-by date.

And yet I still hear normally intelligent people using this hackey, no longer funny device. (NPR radio hosts even!)

Its like me ending every scentence that happens to be about myself with "Because I'm a wild and crazy guy!!!"..See how much that sucks? Everybody stop it now!

Anonymous said...

That phrase sounds like you're asking permission to see himnext. I hear that and I think "hmm... maybe I can do better. This one will obviously go out at the drop of a hat. I'll keep her in the reserves."

Not really... but sorta

Anna said...

HAHA! Maybe that's it? Well, regardless, I've stopped saying it. Whatevs.

Jaime said...

I can see where the dudes are coming from about this phrase giving them the heebs (although I absolutely get why you used to ask it).

Agree that it's always better to have a day or activity in mind if you wanna see a guy again and he hasn't asked yet.

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