
May 15, 2010

Pics and Vids: Dance, Dance

Just so we're on the same page, if a guy were to ever greet me for our first date by dancing like the way Sam Rockwell does here, I would agree to have his children on the spot, no genetic screening required. It'd be a done deal.

And, not to sound creepy, but I'd pay up to $50 dollars to kiss one of his earlobes.


Platypusjones said...

Isn't that the same dance he does in Charlie's Angels? Get a new routine Sam. :)

Andrea said...


I think I need some cold water.

RichmanVA said...

If you liked that I recommend this other, more awesomerer Sam Rockwell dancing video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gvj8ZEnNrQY

Anna said...

Ah! I loved him in that movie. Thanks for posting the link. I watched it, transfixed.

Julia H. said...

Oh my gosh, that's fantastic.

jen da purse ho said...

you're going to have to beat me to him. I <3 him. :)

Jazz said...

I must admit, great moves, but weak handshake.

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