
May 3, 2010

Things In His House That Make Me Glad: Cool Magazines Fanned Out On His Coffee Table

Rad mags make me happy
What a delight, good sir! I see that you have an impressive display of periodicals. I have to say that it is a downright pleasure to kill time in your living room as you finish getting ready for our date. I'm flipping out while I flip through 'em. Wired, Atlantic Monthly, Paste, the New Yorker: oh my! Toss in a few British music mags and I'm good to go.

Just knowing that these babies are here puts me in a good mood. I feel like I'm in a hip dentist's office, which is not a bad thing. Having cool magazines fanned out on your coffee table shows me that we'll hit it off roughly 60% better than before I knew that these were in your house.

I'm especially pleased because there's not a dud in the pile. No Maxims, no Us Weeklys, no Playboys. Whew. If it's a single copy, that's passable. Maybe he got it for free on a flight. But if he were to subscribe to any of those, well, that just unacceptable. And, there aren't any pretentious art or fashion magazines in there either. Well done!

I'm picturing you filling out a subscription card for each magazine and popping it in the mail and it's the cutest thing I've ever thought of. Maybe you subscribed online? Doesn't matter. Just the idea of you making that a priority makes my heart hum.


Drew said...

My brother bought me a subscription to Entertainment Weekly as a joke, it is a weekly embarrassment.

SH said...

Magazines on the coffee table are great. Magazines stacked in the bathroom...not so great. No one likes the image of a man on a toilet reading a magazine.

Anonymous said...

Concering is when he has a huge stack on the back of his toilet that's so big, whenever I sit down to do my business, I fear plummetting through the floor to the apartment below.

Anonymous said...

re: I'm especially pleased because there's not a dud in the pile.

Where do you hide your back copies of Soap Opera Digest? Or do you dispose of them the day you purchase them?

Julia H. said...

Throw in a few newspaper subscriptions as well, and I'm smitten!

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