
June 28, 2010

Class Notes: Smashin' Fashion

I'm wearing this RIGHT NOW
Hey guys. A few things:
  • Fashion Under $100 asked me what I'd wear if I had to pick 5 items under $50. Here's what I came up with: a cute dress, cute shoes, a cute purse, pretty perfume and a freakin' Slurpee. If this isn't summertime-tastic then I don't even know what. 
  • In honor of someone asking me my opinion about something relating to fashion, I will be sporting this look today. Not gonna lie: It feels a little weird to see my outfit laid out on my computer screen like an autopsy. But, for anyone that was interested in visualizing what I was dressed in, BOOM! There you go. This is probably the first time I've ever told the truth about what I'm sporting because usually anytime a guy asks me to tell him what I'm wearing over phone/email/text, I lie and made it sound like I just got off an Agent Provocateur runway. Sorry to pull the curtain back a bit, boys, but c'mon! No one wears tiny tank tops during a snowstorm. Duh! That should've been your first clue. 
  • Follow me on Twitter, if you aren't already. 
  • Stay cool.


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