I first heard the Descendents in high school. My friend Cara played me their "Somery" CD while we were hanging out in her bedroom. It was love at first listen. They were poppy, punky, goofy, and heartfelt, all at the same time. Here's what I learned right off the bat: they like coffee, food, and silly girls. And, they hate jocks, the suburbs, and dirty sheets. The singer's name is Milo. How cute is that? What's not to love about this band?
I still put "Cheer" on all the mix tapes I make and if I see that "Bikeage" is on the jukebox you can bet your bottom dollar that I'm gonna put it on. As soon as the notes blast through the speakers, it makes me feel like I'm 17 again.
I've already decided that I want to marry a guy who listens to the Descendents because in my experience, Descendents fans are basically edgy Boy Scouts. They:
- Are supersmart
- Have great jobs
- Are great with kids because they're total goofballs themselves
- Dress like '50s dads
- Wear cool glasses
- Are punctual
- Are sensitive (they never got the girl in high school so they identify with the underdog)
However, I'm not sure how I'd I go about finding one. They're all scene dropouts, which is cool but it makes them hard to come by. They don't party hard so I'm not going to magically run into one out at Making Time. I guess you just have to just stumble upon one, like a four-leaf clover or a pirated copy of the
Wonder Years on DVD.
I love you, Descendents fans. You'll always have a coffee-mugged shaped place in my heart.
Thanks for this post, I was just trying to decide what to listen to while I get ready for work. A little bit of Liveage and some soccer on mute will start the day just right!
i am in complete agreement with this post. especially the 17-again thing. i've had a lifelong crush on milo aukerman who is now a BIOCHEMIST. hello, dudes, get a clue. and my love for this website just expanded exponentially.
We've got it made together.
I totally agree with your characterization of guys who listen to The Descendents. We also think that we're perverts, but we're really just dudes.
We love you too Anna, but you already knew that.
Just stumbledupon this and dig your site.
So are you going to see them at Riot Fest on Penn's Landing? Seems like you're local.
Marry me?
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