And while this may not necessarily be a boxerdropper for every dude out there, it is definitely one for the type I go for (read: the slightly shy/hysterically funny/tiny bit nerdy/totally adorable guy) and that’s all that matters. Those guys are always on the lookout for a girl who knows it’s not ‘Dark Invader’ and that Vulcans and Klingons don’t exist in the galaxy far, far away. The fact that I don’t wear a cloak or have a unibrow is just an added bonus.
Those guys should be psyched because I’m a Star Wars nerd they can introduce to all of their friends without worrying that I might challenge one of them to a lightsaber duel. This is great news for all you scruffy-looking nerfherders out there. Fellas, I’m your girl.
Ok, could you "shoot the shit" bout Star Trek though?
Who's scruffy-looking?
This was so gonna be my reader-submitted boxerdropper. Well done, LG. While thankfully it seems we're in greater numbers these days, back in grade school I was the only girl who knew why TK421 was not at his post. It has proven useful with my type of gentlemen. A guy who hates Star Wars (and the sci-fi genre as a whole) is the ultimate bonerkiller for me.
I'm hoping a dude will pull an El Scorcho on me when I mention that, not only am I not a Star Wars fan, I haven't seen any of the movies - I've seen bits and pieces of the original 3 and none of the prequels and I like to keep it that way. He'll ask me to watch Return of the Jedi, I'll say I've never seen it, and he'll be all, "How cool is that?!"
And then we'll watch Wrath of Khan because that's a much, much better movie.
@typical guy - well i could shoot the shit about trekkies........ (http://www.trekdoc.com/) but in my world it's a travesty to love them both. you have to pick a side.
Personally LG I'd pick the trekkie side. Much more shit shootin ammo there. Though you could debate the Clone War cartoon.
My shit is well and truly shot
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