
July 15, 2010

Pics and Vids: This One Hits A Little Too Close To Home

There's a lot of collar tugging going on as I watch this clip because it sums up EXACTLY what it's like trying to date in this town. Talk about hittin' the nail on the head, man. Thanks, Julie G, for the link.



Amanda said...

Jesus, this video is giving me PTSD-style flashbacks.

Anna said...

It's our Saving Private Ryan!

Andrew said...

This hurts my heart.

Anonymous said...

HAHA. but why is that just "hipster dating?" doesn't it apply to all dating?

Anonymous said...

This cracks me up...sad but very true...

andrea said...

Their robot voices just make the whole thing so much more hilarious.

"Look for my missed connections post on craigslist later."


APurpleHaze said...

The whole time I was watching this video I was going "OMG WHYEEEEEE" *deep sigh* So true.

Jilly B said...

Ack. This was like looking into a mirror.

Ichael said...

Truly painful.

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