
August 22, 2010

Bonergrower: His Spot-On Michael McDonald Impression

Look at this pseudo-Doobie Brother go to town! He's belting out Michael McDonald's trademark honeyed gruff croon like he was born to do it. He's so good that if I close my eyes, I can practically hear Mr. McDonald's beard rustling in the wind. Am I in my living room or am I at a concert by the only Grammy-award winner who happens to resemble a Husky dog? I can't even tell at this point.

He's totally going for it. He's even hitting the high notes! "What a fool BELIEVEEEEEEEES!"

Impersonating Michael McDonald is probably one of the easier impressions a guy can do which is great news because it's also one of the funniest ones to watch.

Fuck a singing high school: watching him belt out these yacht rock classics is the real glee up in here.


MT said...

Ha, yes! Especially that moment in Knocked Up where Paul Rudd mocks it, he is just adorable! I'm pretty sure he never ages, too.


MT said...

My bad, I meant 40 Year Old Virgin.

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