
August 28, 2010

I Love Love Love Guys That Wear Bowties

Shiiiiiiit. Boy, you lookin' fiiiiiine. That little bowtie you have on there? Damn, Papi. *bites knuckle like Lenny in Laverne and Shirley* There's a reason Chippendale dancers all wear bowties, because it connotes class. You know that. You get it. Oh God, I wanna mess your hair up. I wanna nibble on your earlobe. I want to give you a bowjob because you're basically wearing neck lingerie. Rawr!

PS: He gets extra points if he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his pointer finger as he asks for my phone number.


Angie said...

i love bow ties. bow ties are cool.

Anna said...


Unknown said...

Woot the Doctor!

Anonymous said...

I'll just leave these here...



Anonymous said...

What about Tucker Carlson? Yea or nay?

Anna said...

That guy's a handful. I feel like he'd get in serious arguments with me about inconsequential shit. I'll be like, "Stop busting my balls about this. I ALREADY TOLD YOU that I don't like the movie Sideways. Just drop it. Can't we just enjoy this view and our wine and talk about something else?"

But he wouldn't drop it and he'd keep arguing with me just 'cause he liked to be contentious. Blah.

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