
August 3, 2010

Quick Rant: He's Too Busy

It's cute when he calls me on the phone like a human being. And, it's awesome when he plans to take me to at least two different places on our date. But, it's fucking terrible that he can only squeeze me in every other Tuesday for a five-hour chunk of time. What the shit is this busy shit? 

He'll flip through his calendar trying to pin down the day we can go on our dream date: "Let's see. I have an early meeting on Tuesday so Monday night is out. Tuesday I have a client dinner. Wednesday I have a dinner party for my friend's birthday. Thursday I have to work late. And, on Friday I leave town for the weekend. How's your schedule next week?" I can practically hear his finger resting on his lip like when Wayne read over his show's contract in Wayne's World

I'm trying to schedule a date here, not a semi-annual checkup at my dentist. Why do I have to wait two weeks to see his adorable face? I appreciate that he's not a slacker (as Mr. Strickland would say), but I hate dating busy guys! It makes me want to roll my eyes and blow the bangs out of my face in exasperation.


citygal said...

The "too busy" excuse doesn't fly with me. If he wants to hang out with my hotness, he won't be too busy - ever.

Anonymous said...

Hate to repeat the cliche, but... he's just not that into you.

al said...

True; but, I imagine that this issue eliminates about 90% of the other quick-rants/bonerkillers.

Anna said...

He is into me! He just has a REALLY high-powered job.

Mallory P. said...

No McFly ever amounted to anything in the history of Hill Valley!

Anonymous said...

Whatever job he has, he would make the time to meet you, if he was that into you.

Anna said...

If you've ever dated a doctor then you'll know what I'm talking about.

Lora said...

There is absolutely such a thing as a dude being too busy but totally into you at the same time! A dude can't say no to an ER patient or a multi-million dollar client meeting or a big photo-shoot or whatever it is that is critical to their profession.

I've been on the other side of this too...TOTALLY into a guy but booked every single hour of the day for weeks on end. It sucks. I've been the one to take out the planner and say "maybe we could squeeze in a dinner at 11pm on Monday three weeks from now?" and then have to cancel anyway. Doesn't mean I'm not crazy about the person. It just means I can't quit my job. But it certainly makes the time spent together seem extra special when it finally happens!

Zilla said...

I rather like dating busy guys.
I hate being the one that is "too busy" in the relationship.
Highly anticipated weekly or bi-weekly dates work out pretty well. As much as I'd rather see the guy more often, I'd be a pretty dependent or less-than-functional individual if I sacrificed work/productivity to maintain a relationship. And that will soon take a toll on the relationship as well.

Anonymous said...

just want to say that it is entirely possible for a guy to literally be too busy to spend time enough time with you. also, not to take it personally.

success comes from countless hours of hard work. not all women can date these kinds of men, which is...perfectly understandable.

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