
September 12, 2010

Pics and Vids: Hats Off To You

I totally have someone in mind for him.

Who else was thinking Julia Child? Raise your hand. I'm not sure what kind of future fun he has in mind, but I'm totally on board. Maybe it involves a jetpack or a hoverboard or astronaut ice cream. Who knows? Btdubs, where'd he pick this trucker hat up? Deadbeat Dads 'R' Us? *collar tug*  


Carol said...

I hate that I know this but I think the hat has a secret if you read every other line...I knew someone who actually wore one, heh.

Anna said...

Yeah, but the "getting sick" part is still fucking weird, whether you skip the lines or not.

Carol said...

I'm betting he still hasn't found that special lady.

Unknown said...

Cook frogture fun?

Anonymous said...

Read lines 1. 3 ,5

Anonymous said...

you read between the lines. clearly you should all stumble more. anon-five

Anonymous said...

Anon 2

Read every other line. Why can't they make a hat for us? I have no problem trying to advertise my perfect man! :)

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