
September 2, 2010

Story Time: F*ck You

Everyone is geeking out about Cee Lo's new song, "F*ck You." Have you seen it? It's a total riot:

I can think of three kinds of people I'd like to say FUCK YOU to off the top of my head:
  1. Guys who say that they aren't "ready" to date me. Like watching a movie cuddled up on his couch is so demanding. FUCK YOU!
  2. Married guys who still hit on me. I'm sure his wife would be thrilled. FUCK YOU!
  3. Guys who interrupt me when I'm out with my best friend, shove their hand between us and wait for us both to shake it and introduce ourselves. FUCK YOU!
What do you wanna say FUCK YOU to? Tell me in the comments. (Try it, it's kinda fun.)


Kate said...

I'd like to say Fuck You to my ex who won't stop texting me now that I'm seeing someone on the regular.

typical guy said...

Just 3 Anna? You're getting soft and we might have to revoke your Philly citizenship.

Jilly B said...

I'd like to say fuck you to the guy who says we get along better than anyone he's ever met, but he's not emotionally ready for a relationship right now.

I would also like to say fuck you to facebook who is constantly telling me to reach to my exs.

Zack said...

Fuck you to anyone who shows up 30 minutes late for a date but can't be arsed to call and say you are running late. I know your phone works, because you had plenty of time to call me last night and bitch at me for having already left by the time you showed up.

Oh yeah, and a big fuck you to the crazy girl from a few months ago who made a 15-year-old server CRY at my favorite dessert joint on our second date. I told you to stop calling me after the 80th time my phone rang the next day. Why the fuck are you *still* texting me 5 months later?

Anonymous said...

A great big fuck you to the dude who told me he loved me but couldn't be with anyone until he got himself figured out, and then showed up at a party with a different girl three hours later.

kate said...

first off, i am obsessed with this song, and i was really amped to see the new video was out for it!

and a fuck you to all the guys that dont stfu about their ex-girlfriends... move on buddy!

Anonymous said...

I say Fuck You to the guys who hit on me only because they think I am 'fuckable' in a cute girl-next-door way

Stop looking at me like I am a vagina wrapped in a cute accessible envelope ! Anwser is no !!

I am a PERSON. Stop forgetting that !
Thank you very much

Anonymous said...

FUCK YOU to every guy who says he's just looking for something casual with you, and then has a GIRLFRIEND less than a WEEK later.

Unknown said...

Guys who can't call you their girlfriend when you're dating, but the minute you break up it's My ex-girlfriend this, my ex-girlfriend that. Shoulda gave a shit when we WERE together. FUCK YOU

Sarah said...

A big "fuck you" to my boyfriend's whore exgirlfriend. You cheated on him, made him feel worthless, and then sent him naked pics when he and I broke up for a couple of months...despite the fact that you had a serious boyfriend (who you are now engaged to...poor guy). You are a morally reprehensible human being, and it makes my skin crawl that he still talks to you sometimes. You are filthy. FUCK YOU.

Anonymous said...

To the sweet woman who shared dinner and drinks w/ at the nice Italian place in Bella Vista over fantastic conversation....

Followed by cruising around the city to end up at the ice cream place and a stroll in city then to the coolest bar that not too many know about (yet).......over even more fantastic conversation...

Only to be told "any girl would be lucky to have you in their life" but you still have not gotten over your ex boyfriend. After that kiss good night....

FUCK (ahem) YOU!!!!!!!!!

Amanda said...

I'd like to dedicate this song to every guy who disappears off the face of the earth because "it was getting too serious" when we've hung out four times and all we ever did was watch movies and make out.

And the encore performance goes to guys who "can't be in a relationship right now" but will almost certainly be planning a wedding the next time you see them.

K said...

To all of the people who yell "can I get a ride?" when I'm on my bike. FUCK fucking YOU

The same fuck you goes out to the dudes who eye-fuck me and say "hey shorty" when I'm walking down the street and then get pissed when I ignore them.

teenie said...

a hearty "fuck you" to the dj i dated for a hot minute, who is the least discreet person i've ever met. it's pretty fucking righteous to meet people who know things about me that i told you in confidence. awesome.

and a heartfelt "fuck you" to the miserable bitch who dated my boyfriend before me, broke up with him, wouldn't let him back in, UNTIL WE STARTED DATING and now won't leave him the FUCK alone. your manipulations suck, and so do you.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you to my ex girlfriend for invading my thoughts every single day.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FUCK YOU to guys who pretend to be your good friend, when all they really want is to hook up, regardless of how much you talk about your current boyfriend, whom you've been dating for over a year and are about to move in with, and who act hurt and resentful toward you because you haven't dumped him yet for them.


FUCK YOU to boyfriends who act all righteous about being honest when you know deep down that they aren't being honest.


FUCK YOU to girls with big hair and lots of makeup who will not move an inch when you're walking toward them on the sidewalk and are about to collide.

Anonymous said...

"To the co-worker who wined and dined me for weeks, introduced himself to my father as my boyfriend, told me I was the coolest girl he's ever met and gave me the best sex I've ever had... a king-sized fuck you for giving me a taste of the good life only to take it away so swiftly, and then make it awkward as balls at the office. Fuck you for making people I work with actually feel sorry for me, and for making me feel like the one with a problem. Fuck you Peter Pan. And all your lost boys too."

Anonymous said...

FUCK YOU to my ex who hero-worshiped his racist, homophobic, misogynistic father. Even his barely coherent mother (charmingly racist herself) would have been a better role model. At least she was usually too drunk to articulate whatever foul thoughts were running through her head.

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