
January 15, 2011

When He Insists That I Drive Across Town To Hang Out At His House But He Falls Asleep Before I Get There Then I Wake Him Up By Ringing His Doorbell And He's Too Tired To Do Anything Fun And He Keeps Yawning While He's Apologizing For Being So Lame


Diane said...

Anna, you're so brilliant that it's scary.

Anonymous said...

This is shameful to admit, but not only did I once take a $20 cab ride to see him and have him sleep through my calls and doorbell ringing, causing me to give up and return home PISSED, as soon as I walked in the door, he called me and begged me to come back. I DID.

I'm so lame.

Anna said...

Me ex would do this a lot and I'd be so pissed that I wasted my Saturday night on his sleepy ass.

Once we had plans and he didn't pick up his phone when I called to see if we were still on. I tried for a few hours to no avail. I ended up calling his roommate, asking him to check up on my dude to see if he was dead. It turns out that he fell asleep and left his phone downstairs so he didn't hear me calling. I was so mad at him for being irresponsible and he was mad at me for calling his roommate and freaking out.

BOYS! Can't live with 'em...

dxp said...

Anonymous #1, dont feel bad. i have done that too. just one of those rights of passage i suppose until we learn better!

Anonymous said...

honestly only a guy would do that.

us ladies know that first of all, we probably wouldn't sleep because we would be too excited about plans with the guy OR we would take a power nap and set like fifty million alarms with our phones next to our face.

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