Dude, they're perfect for each other |
Normally, I can't imagine an ex finding happiness with anyone but me, but this time it's different. My attitude has changed. This might be the first sign of maturity (gulp), but I can admit that his new girl is a better match for him than I ever was.
Reading through a few dozen of her tweets, I've been able to deduce that she:
- loves fast food
- smokes cigarettes
- works at a bar
- swears a lot
- spells words wrong all the time
These are the exact issues I had with dating him. So, it fills my heart with joy that he's managed to find love in her (presumably) heavily tattooed arms. THEY ARE A MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN! This girl is like his
other half. My ex LOVES McDonalds (gross) and he's a huge smoker AND a total lush. They are perfect for one another. They probably smoke up a storm all the time, surrounded by crumpled Arby's bags and empty, dented PBR cans. This is clearly his dream girl. Bravo, you guys.
You can't see me, but I'm doing a slow clap over here. I'm so happy for them!
*stands up and joins in the slow clap*
Whoa, hatin' on tattooed gals? Well I'll be...
pretty easy to be happy when its things like these that make her a better match! ha.
I'm not hating on tattooed girls at all! I'm just saying that this is a quality she (might) have that would be a better match for him. No hate.
let the passive aggression flow through you...
Haha, you really had me convinced for a moment there. I thought there was a sign of maturity. Good one!
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