
February 24, 2011

Reader Submitted Pic: Don't You Wish You Could Just Dislike His Ass?

You guys, our reader Kate MADE THIS image with her own little hands exclusively for us. This is the closest thing we've ever had to fan art!

According to her, she was inspired to create this pic because "everyone has that guy we know we should give up on. Your friends will ask, 'Why do you still talk to him?' Lord, if we could help it, we wouldn't. But oh, if it were only that easy!"



Anonymous said...

"I'm only gonna break break your, break break your heart!"

Ashley said...

SERIOUSLY!! It's not like we WANT to like them anymore.... but for some reason that feeling just won't go away. WTH! You can even say "Oh I do not like him anymore." but as soon as he's like "oh hey what's going on?" you're like "OMGZ DOES HE WANT TO HANG OUT WITH ME AGAIN GOSH I AM SO IN LIVE EFF!" to yourself.

Amen sister. Dislike button him I wish I could.

Anonymous said...

Damn..this is so true, its sad.

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