
April 25, 2011

Can We Do This, Please?

Dream date.



Alan said...

Best thing I've seen on this site hands down.

Anonymous said...

Tried this with Buckaroo Banzai..Never finished the movie. Its been my experience that making out during a film never leads to actual movie completion.....Something else gets completed, but it ain't the movie. Am I right? *pervy wink*
*elbow nudge*

Blue Light J said...

Back when Jurassic Park came out, I had such a crush on the little girl in the movie (no worries, it was totally age-appropriate at the time). It's one of those crushes that I'm sure would carry over to present-day, just because.

Anonymous said...

where did you find this!?

Anna said...

I linked it above:

Lauren said...

scene with Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern flirting in the vehicle on the way into the park = totally hot.

The Verbose Anonymous said...

Yes. Let's!

liza said...

omg, on a date with my (now) hubby, we watched Transformers and made out. It's probably better to do make out sessions when you've got a totally boring movie on, not something like Transformers or Jurassic Park! I actually have to then re-watch the make-outted movies just to see how they ended.
oops...did i make that plural? hehehehe

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