
April 27, 2011

A Few Words About The Shmitten Kitten Mix of the Month Club

Can I just say how stoked I am for this? I started the club on a whim last Saturday morning and I already have a few hundred people signed up. A FEW HUNDRED PEOPLE! This has totally exceeded any expectations I've had and I'm thrilled to get it goin'. I want you to know that I'm taking this club insanely seriously. I've made it my mission to put together something that you guys will love. You've trusted me with this and I'm not gonna let you down and/or phone it in.

Another thing that has surprised me is the outpouring of support the people who've signed up have shown me. On the sign up form, there's a field to write any miscellaneous comments which I tacked on at the end as an afterthought. Let me tell you, people have been saying the NICEST things about both me and Shmitten Kitten:
  • "This is the best idea ever. And you crack me UP!!!"

  • "Your blog is amazing. It's completely gratifying to read Shmitten Kitten and realize that I'm not insane in my own love-life thought process. And, Shlooby Kitten never fails to have at least one pic or gif that makes my day. Thank you. As a girl who doesn't really fit in the dating scene of my city, you've given me hope that maybe I'll find another oddball here too."

  • "Anna, your blog is amazing. My friends and I are constantly fowarding links to each other and it makes me crack up at work."

  • "I love your blog, by the way! It's the only one I actually keep up with when I'm traveling to foreign countries (Morocco at present). It's a nice reminder of home while I'm surrounded by third world craziness."

  • "I just wanted to say I think you are the coolest, and this is a superfantasicawesome idea because I FREAKING LOVE your mixes!"

  • "I think you are hilarious and one of the best things I have found since moving to Philadelphia! Keep up the great work!"

  • "Your wittiness makes me chuckle. I love your light-hearted attitude towards your own dating mishaps. You admit mistakes but don't beat yourself up about it. It's refreshing!"

  • "Thanks! I love your blog. It's usually the first (and sometimes only) thing I go to in my Google Reader list."

  • "I adore your blogs. You give me hope for the future of funny women on the Internet."

  • "Your blogs are hilarious. High fives from Iowa!"
This is just a small sampling of the things people are saying; the sweet sentiments just go on and on. Thanks so much for all of your kind words, you guys. You have no idea how much that means to me. I love and appreciate my readers very much which is partly why I wanted to start this club in the first place, as a way to thank you for your on-going support.

I send out my first mix to the Mix of the Month Club on Sunday, May 1st. Get excited! And, sign up if you haven't already.


Mandersauce said...

Yay! So excited!

redsiren said...

I just love you, dude!

Jeremy said...

Aww...you quoted me! I feel so loved!

Anna said...

Right back at 'cha, Jeremy! xoxo

Melissa said...

Loving the first mix. (Well, actually I loved the V-Day one too, BUT I DIGRESS)

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