
April 13, 2011

If You Haven't Had Our Sly Fox Shmitten Kitten Kolsch Yet, This Friday You'll Get A Chance

Our friends at Johnny Brenda's are tapping a keg of our beer this Friday, April 15th at 4pm. Swing by and have a pint. As a bonus, It'll be only $4 from 4pm - 6pm. Our beer is limited edition so when it's gone, it's gone! Keep up with our Twitter and Facebook for further updates.

Pretend that's a beer. Also pretend that he's over 21.


Anonymous said...


Just sent you an email letting you know that I was going to be at JB's in an hour or so to try the SK Kolsch.

I'll still go. Maybe they tapped it a day early. If not, guess I'll have a PB at Murphs.


Allan Smithee

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