
April 10, 2011

If You INSIST On Asking Me Out Via Text Message, At Least Do It Like This: A Tutorial For The Skittish

I know calling a semi-stranger to ask her out can be scary, so most guys usually shoot a text over to see what's what. While there's nothing wrong with that approach in theory, I'd still rather hear a guy's voice over the phone than read his wonky texts.

However, skittish guys, if you insist on texting a girl asking her on a first date, this is the least annoying way to do it. Using Fake iPhone Text, I made this exchange to show how you can successfully make a move before dialing her number and hearing her voice like a man with fully descended balls would. 

As Mr. Strickland would say, "here's a nickel's worth of free advice, young man." A few things to notice:
  • I will accept the vagueness of "are you around" in this context because he's gauging my interest level. He's skittish; I'll give him a break.
  • Asking to hang out Saturday night for dinner tells me that this is a date even if he doesn't say the word. All signs point to date-land.
  • He already has a place in mind that he wants to take me to. THAT RULES. 
  • He tells me when he's going to communicate with me next so I don't have to stress about it. 
  • He says "talk soon" to further reassure me that he's not a flake, even though he might be a teensy bit of a coward for not just calling me straightaway. 
  • The conversation is succinct. Every line is either relaying information about our date or encouraging excitement for it. 
  • For this to work, you are going to have to call her to arrange the details but it shouldn't be so nerve-wracking because she's already agreed to going out with you. 
  • The grammar is fine so at least you won't make her cringe while you're trying to woo her. 
Look at that! You got a date for Saturday night without even pausing the movie you're half-watching on Netflix. Go, you!

What do you think? Nervous guys, is this do-able? Girls, would you agree with this? Let me know in the comments.


    Melissa said...


    Travel_Chic said...

    I think this totally okay to ask people out on dates! Great post!

    Ashley said...


    Lauren said...

    I would actually prefer this to a phone call.

    Andrea said...

    Agree with Lauren. Then you don't have that awkward good-bye moment.

    Anonymous said...

    u basically gave this kid a lay up.

    Anonymous said...

    Wait... I want you to try this new Thai place & report back.

    Anonymous said...

    love this! you should do one for break ups, too. but by phone....not text...

    Anonymous said...

    Your personality is what makes people not want to talk to you.

    Anna said...

    U mad.

    Anonymous said...

    "how you can successfully make a move before dialing her number and hearing her voice like a man with fully descended balls would."

    A most precious line!!

    A Guy said...

    Got balls? Call her.

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