
May 22, 2011

God Bless Anyone Out There Who Understands This Chart

If you know what this is in reference to, consider yourself my new best friend. You can't see me, but I'm high-fiving you through my computer monitor right now.



Unknown said...

New Kids On The Block reference :-)

Kevin said...

NKOTB, of course. I'm also a dude who knew the reference, which should necessitate one of those Top-Gun-style high-and-low fives through the computer monitor.

Coastal Aussie (from twitter) said...

How that instantly tapped into the recesses of my mind, and perfectly drew out my 13 year old self, I'll never know. But I got the reference straight away, as well. High fives all round. :o)

Anonymous said...

Oh. I thought it was about doing nitrous oxide (whippets).

What do you mean you're not giving me a high-five? Oh you will... But I gotta buy you a beer?


Allan Smithee

Anonymous said...

How does the title of the flowchart alone not scream Danny, Donny, Joe, Jon, Jordan?

Anonymous said...

I'm an "OLD" woman compared to you and basically clicked on this one because you titled it "GOD BLESS" Anyways, have a great weekend...

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