
June 2, 2011

Attention People Who Like To Eat Chili: Come To This!

I'm excited to announce that I will be a judge at A Full Plate Café's First Annual Chili Cook-Off on Saturday, June 11th. Here are the details reposted from local food blog Mac and Cheese, whose creator Taylor will be co-judging the event as well:
After four years of hosting a rib cook-off, Shannon Dougherty and Liz Petersen of A Full Plate Café have decided to host a chili cook-off (don't worry, the rib cook-off will go down this year at a later date) Saturday, June 11 from noon to 3pm at Liberty Lands Park.

First, second, and "peoples' choice" prizes for both amateur and professional teams will be awarded in three categories of chili: red, white, and vegan.

If you think you've got a killer chili recipe and want to prove it, you'll need to pony up $25 to compete, and get an application in by Friday, June 3 at 4pm. To view the official rules and application form, visit A Full Plate's Chili Cook-off Facebook event page, or email info@afullplate.net.

Just want to eat chili? Come ready to rumble at high noon! Admission is $12 for adults and kids over 12, $6 for kids (5 and under are free), and allows all-you-can-eat samples of chili, and, of course, the always awesome A Full Plate buffet of veggie sides.
I am so stoked for this. I assume it's BYOB (bring your own Beano). Oh man, this is gonna be awesome!


Anonymous said...

re: Here are the details reposted from local food blog Mac and Cheese, who's creator Taylor will be co-judging the event as well:

I know you're a journalist so it's probably just a typo but it should be whose not who's.

Anna said...

I'm a zombie! Thank you!

Boof said...

I would love to go, give your head a tussle, and call you "kiddo." For reals though, I've had a crush on Shannon Dougherty since the early days of 90210! I am so STOKED...Have you met her? Spoken to her? Will she sign my chili? Will she feed me chili a la mama bird/baby bird? I will be there June 10th in a makeshift tent with my Scare Tactics season 1 DVD and a Sharpie!!

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