
June 24, 2011

Story Time: The Truth Comes Out!

I'm a liar. Henry Rollins knows what I'm talking about:

Alright, I'm not that bad. I lie about stupid shit. Like,
  • I lied when I said that I thought his dream dog was cute.
  • I lied when I said that I liked the painting he bought at the Punk Rock Flea Market.  
  • I lied when I said that his legs looked good in shorts.
  • I lied when I said that I listened to the mix he made me.  
  • I lied when I said that I'd watched an episode of Firefly before.
  • I lied when I said that the Bloody Mary he made me was the best I'd ever tasted. 
  • I lied when I said that I liked his sister's blog.
  • I lied when I said that I thought Ashton Kutcher wasn't good looking. (I saw him in person once and he was very striking.)
  • I lied when I said I was familiar with Pulp's discography. 
  • I lied when I said that I liked his haircut. 
  • I lied when I said that you could barely see the sweat stains under his armpits because you totally could.

MY GOD, THAT FELT GOOD TO GET OFF MY CHEST! Now it's your turn. Tell me what you've lied about in the comments.

*I actually had that Henry Rollins cassette tape in eighth grade. I hope to one day meet a man who is impressed by that fact.


Anonymous said...

I lied when I told him he looked good in his kilt. Chicken legs... that is all.

Noelle said...

"Adult" me:

I lied when I told him his short stories were excellent, and "really, I can't believe it was so short, I could have gone on reading forever!"

Teen me:

I lied when I said was into Slipknot.

Anonymous said...

I lie about my weight... like every time I've ever been asked.

Anna said...

I've lied about seeing a movie once because I knew he wouldn't agree to seeing the film with me if I told him I'd already seen it. He was a big baby about that.

Anonymous said...

I lied when I said it wasn't my first interracial relationship.

Anonymous said...

I lied when I said I always tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

I lied when I told him I LOVED his racist dickbag of a father.

Mike Holmes said...

I said i thought that VH1 original programming was 'interesting'

Krazy Mom said...

I lied when I said I didn't clog his toilet

Anna said...

Ha! I love you, girl. xoxo

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