“Me and the man in question being trapped in a room full of French fries and having to eat our way out.”So, naturally it made me think about what my dream date would be. I've done the dinner/ drinks thing to death. And at this point, meeting up for a cocktail is more like meeting up at Shrugsville, which is the capital city of Boringtown. Don't even talk to me about going out for coffee. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.
- Tina Fey on her dream date (via tinafeyisawesome)
I think my all-time dream date would be me and the man in question drinking bloody marys until we get sorta sleepy, taking a nap, and then waking up and eating Mexican food. THAT'S MY DREAM DATE, FOLKS! It has all of my favorite elements: drinking, sleeping, and eating. Honestly, can you think of anything better than that?
What's your dream date? Tell me in the comments.
By the way, this is probably your face right now thinking, "A nap? On a date?"

"Wait, that's sorta genius." Dude, I know.
I'm a man of simple tastes. I'll take a homemade meal (Granted I can't cook, but we're talking perfect world here, right?)a couple decent beers, and a truly terrible, MST3k-able movie off Netflix. A nap sounds pretty good too though, might have to find a slot for that.
I once ALMOST had a nap on a date. We spent the day together thrifting, then grabbed some Thai food, then grabbed drinks. We came back to my place and cuddled for a bit and started to doze off before he left. It was a perfect date. I would've submitted that as my dream date, but I already did it and I wasn't dreaming.
Wearing sweatpants and watching Jurassic Park OR a Jersey Shore marathon on the couch while we drink pitcher after pitcher of margaritas.
Just a few comments in, and these all seem to involve TV. But I concur; My dream date consists of cooking dinner for my date (who is wearing an adorable-yet-casual outfit). THEN she says to me, "Hey, I've heard of this guy Joss Whedon, but I've never seen any of his stuff. Do you have any DVDs?"
Actually, this might be the beginning of a series of dates, which also include brief interludes to pick up more food and drinks.
My dream date. We stay in a hotel room and order room service all night and empty the mini-bar. Well, it's not a first date, I guess. I wouldn't go with a guy to a hotel room on a first date.
Well, yes, this could be a first date. There could be naps involved. Although I can't sleep outside "sleeping hours".
Guess my alternative dream date would be: go to those rollerblading rings (use weeled old-school rollerblades) and fall on his lap all the time because I'm so clumsy and I secretly want him to hold me while we listen to something totally place appropriate. LIKE SUMMER LOVIN'!! (Grease). Omg I would totally wear a wide skirt to look 50's.
Sorry for the long post, but I'm in bed alone and my mind is too hyperactive!
Dream date- bike to Wissahicken and jump in devil's pool, eat popsickles on my stoop when we get back, drink sangria while smoking a hookah and watch Surf Ninjas. Then go to a dance party where nobody knows us so we can make out without having to worry about what our respective friends are doing.
Naps are a totally under-rated date activity!
Dream date: a trip to the arcade, a Firefly marathon, and then hanging out in Clark Park in the dark and making out in the dinosaur. Acceptable entertainment substitutions (although any dude who substitutes anything for Firefly is not MY dream date) include anything else Joss Whedon has ever done, Doctor Who, or a campy horror movie on Netflix.
Pajama party/lock-in at the Academy of Natural Sciences. Followed by brunch at Dos Segundos.
I am loving all of your answers and I want to go on all these dates MORE THAN ANYTHING!
Last month I had a hugely dramatic/bad visit to an old friend and felt really sad when I returned home. The Saturday after I got back from vacation, a guy I was dating asked me over for lunch. As I was heading to his place, he texted me a picture of his sunny back porch with a pitcher of sangria sitting out on the table. I got to his, he fixed me lunch, and listened to me vent about my bad week. Then we made out for a little while, took a nap (really - I swear upon holy things there was napping), went for an epic walk through my favorite park, and eventually had dinner at a place I'd wanted to try. On the walk home he picked a peony for me and drew a heart on the sidewalk in chalk. The next morning (ahem) we cooked breakfast, spooned for hours, and read the newspaper together. I WISH I were making this schmoopy, cheesy shit up and I recognize it sounds made-up, but it really happened, folks. Of course ... that was six weeks ago and I haven't heard from him in, like, three of those, but I'll always have the memory of that Best Date Ever and maybe that's good enough? (sigh)
Sunday brunch of crepes and/or french toast, followed by a day at Disneyland. What? I live in LA and have an annual pass.
A sunny (but not hot) day spent marveling at the awesomeness of alpacas at an alpaca farm in the 'burbs, followed by a rad walk through the Wissahickon or exploring in the city. Then we'd go to a bar with a huge beer selection and order beers that we've never tried and sound interesting (money ain't a thang!). I'm not a sex-on-the-first-date advocate, but since this is A) a hypothetical dream situation and B) I've yet to find a guy in Philly who is into this kind of date, the night would end with really fun, really awesome sex. BAM!
being a couple of flâneurs. ideally, my dream date would inspire clarity of life in the moment. together we would walk around a dream city (one out of italo calvino's invisible cities, maybe) and experience it together. have a picnic dinner from street vendors (falafel) on a bench or a blanket, then milkshakes near water (on a bridge or a pier). run into john cage, play a three-way hand-slapping game (like numbers), keep walking. run into merce cunningham, follow his mind and lead while loosening up physically, walk more (just the two of us). find a private room that has soft moss for ground and walls and stars in the sky for ceiling, and smoke opium and dream (within the dream) of making out very slowly.
my best date ever involved a nap! it was the perfect early spring day about 6 years ago. we went out to PBC for the brewery tour then decided to walk back into center city, stopping at a random corner bar in every neighborhood along the way (including The Trestle). by the time we got to his apartment near Rittenhouse, we were sleepy so we took a disco nap and then went on our neighborhood and bar hopping way to south philly, where we met some friends at The Dolphin.
Going to the latest showimg at the picture show (google ”picture show”), them picking up McDonalds. Then eating it at the pitch dark town center next to the fountain with its pretty lights :) and this date starts bout 8pm, n ends about 12am
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