
June 16, 2011

This Is Gonna Sound Weird, But The PC Guy Circa 1996 Is More Appealing Than The Mac One

I didn't even know that the "Seinfeld-cut" was a thing!!! WTF? Does the Mac guy come with his own funky bass intro music too? Whatever. I'd take a power tie over an earring stud any day of the week.

To his credit, PC Guy looks like a fun drunk. Like, he'll loosen his tie and unbutton the top button while he sings along to "Livin' On A Prayer" at the top of his lungs. I'll bet the Mac guy puts on Counting Crows' "August and Everything After" when he's trashed and he'll wail out the lyrics to "Omaha" until he collapses into a soft, crying blob on his ratty sofa. No thanks.

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Anonymous said...

Heck, let's take the guys circa 2006. Personally, I'd much rather hang out with John Hodgman than Justin Long.

Jed Singer said...

yeah, because he's clearly got a job...

Drew said...

What the hell is a PhoneNet Connector?

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