
July 26, 2011

The Approval Matrix of Sexy Vs. Unsexy Hobbies For Dudes via The Frisky

This is too amazing to not repost. Props to Amelia at the Frisky for putting this together.

The only thing I'd add to the sexy hobby pile is home beer brewing, mix tape makers, and foodies. Is there anything you'd add? Tell me in the comments.


Anonymous said...

How did TAXIDERMY get on the sexy side?

Laura G. said...

Motorcycling is sexy! I think hunting should also be up a little closer to the middle.

Ellyrox said...

Stand up comedy is in the wrong area, but I would also add reading comics/making comics to the list, and Fondness for Dr.Who to the sexy list.

Anonymous said...

Playing the accordion is sexy? I would beg to differ on that one...

Typical Guy said...

What!? the employees of Dunder Mifflin didn't make parkour sexy?!


haliep said...

Ice skating can be totally sexy. You're forgetting about Olympic champion Evan Lysacek!

Rarian Rakista said...

No brainy quadrant makes me a sad panda.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

clearly the frisky has NEVER seen an ultimate game.

Meredith said...

Where is MMA aka Multiple Martial Arts fighting? Those guys hare HUNKY sexy

Anonymous said...

Unsexy/artsy: Playing the guitar TERRIBLY and making me listen. So painfully awkward.

Unsexy/brawny: Golfing. Tiger Woods pretty much ruined it.

Strangely, I think cage fighting is hot. I know! I have a death wish! It doesn't fit ANYWHERE into my life.

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